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Surface observations / Europe / LIRF (16242)

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Info & Location for LIRF (16242)

AAXX 11034 16242 32960 00503 10144 20095 30154 40159 57001
SYNOP Synoptic observation (intermediate hour)
section 0:
AAXX fixed land station
1103 Report time: on the 11., 03:00 UTC
4 wind data: kt
16242 station id: 16242 (Europe)
section 1:
3 precipitation data: omitted (no precipitation)
2 weather data: omitted (no significant phenomenon)
9 base of lowest cloud: >=2500 m >=8200 ft
60 Visibility: 10 (.. <11) km 6.2 miles
0 total cloud cover: 0/8 (0/10)
0503 Wind: from the NE (50° (+4°/-5°)) at 5.6 km/h 3 kt = 3.5 mph = 1.5 m/s
10144 20095 Temperature: 14.4 °C 57.9 °F
Dewpoint: 9.5 °C 49.1 °F
relative humidity*: 72%
30154 station level pressure: 1015.4 hPa 29.98 in. Hg = 762 mmHg
40159 sea level pressure: 1015.9 hPa 30.00 in. Hg = 762 mmHg
57001 pressure change (station level) since 3 hour(s): -0.1 hPa, having decreased steadily or unsteadily