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Éruption volcanique majeure


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Regarde ce document (surtout la page 22) mais l'ensemble est super interessant. Le souffre n'est vraiment pas un facteur si déterminant. C'est la position du (des) volcan(s) en éruption qui fait la différence sur le climat.



Alan Robock

Department of Environmental Sciences

Rutgers University

New Brunswick, New Jersey

Modifié par Regg001
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en effet c'est très interessant on voit que le jet stream articque s'emplifie et descend littérallement sur le québec, l'ontario et les maritimes voila pourquoi nous sommes les plus touchés lors d'une éruption majeur, une grande partie de l'europe est touché aussi par cet air articque


Modifié par colapster89
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Voici quelque chose d.intéressant pris sur ce site

ça montre un peu la progression des cendres...


Les cendres du volcan chilien Chaiten atteignent Buenos Aires (09/05/2008 07:20)


Les cendres du volcan Chaiten ont atteint jeudi la capitale argentine, après avoir parcouru plus de 1.000 kilomètres depuis le territoire chilien et provoqué de sérieuses perturbations dans plusieurs provinces du sud-ouest, a indiqué le Service météorologique national (SMN). Le nuage de cendre volcanique est situé a environ 3.500 mètres d'altitude au-dessus de la ville de Buenos Aires et pourrait perturber le trafic aérien, a indiqué le SMN. Les porte-paroles du SMN ont assuré que pour le moment les cendres n'affectaient pas les voies respiratoires car elles se trouvaient en altitude et ne perturbaient pas le trafic terrestre. L'activité du volcan Chaiten, dans le sud du Chili, s'est accrue mardi matin, avec une puissante éruption de cendres et de lave, obligeant les autorités à décréter l'alerte maximum et à évacuer totalement la ville de Chaiten, à 1.300 km au sud de Santiago. (GFR)

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L'activité volcanique à Hawaï est stable depuis vendredi d'après ce que j'ai pu lire sur ce site :



Il a des données archivées depuis vendredi et d'après ce que je peux voir, il était déjà actif avant même que le mont Chaiten entre en éruption.


De toute façon, il est historiquement surement pas rare que 2 volcans soient actif en même temps, et aussi, je me souviens pas d'avoir vu ou entendu parler d'un volcan d'Hawaï qui aurait perturber le climat.

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Tu as vu ça où que l'activité volcanique a augmenter à Hawaï ???


Je n'ai rien trouvé de tel qui en fait mention et de plus, le volcan le plus actif au monde se situe à Hawaï donc c'est peut-être normal et pure coïcidence.

Kilauea (Hawaii) et plusieurs autres du côté de Pacifique sont plus actifs depuis avril - pas nécessairement en explosions, mais en rejets de gaz plus important ou en relachant des colonnes de cendres.


Voici les évènements notables que la communauté scientifique regarde de près :


Chaiten Volcano Erupts (mai 2008)

Volcanic Ash Stain from Karymsky (mars 2008 - Russie)

Activity on Rabaul Volcano, New Britian (mars 2008 - Pacifique)

Activity on Anatahan (mars 2008)

Plume from Anatahan (décembre 2007 et février 2008)


Source Nasa Earth Observatory.

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Mauna Loa - Earth's Largest Volcano shows Lava on it's surface in Google Earth/Map Satellite Image


by Lisa Long Page 1 of 1 page(s)



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If a volcano erupts and no one sees it.. does that mean it is not happening?


I have spent days working to get media and government attention to the fact that there are red-white hot spots shown in a newly uploaded Google Earth image of the Mauna Loa Volcano.


These very clear satellite images show bright red, white, yellow and orange hot spots on the SW Rift Zone of Mauna Loa, THE LARGEST VOLCANO IN THE WORLD, located on the Big Island of Hawaii, where I live.


I have looked at images on Google Earth of Mauna Loa several times over the past year or two. About three weeks ago a friend of mine mentioned strange gases, noises and helicopters above the Hawaiian Ocean View Estates (H.O.V.E.) subdivision. I had heard these rumors before, so I spent several hours looking at Google Satellite images of Mauna Loa. I found no unusual buildings or activity on the volcano at any of these times. However, this time it was different.


This week Tuesday, May 6, 2008, a farmer mentioned her Swiss Chard was burned by a mysterious ground hugging milky cloud that moved from above her farm down thru the fields and even thru a small farm building she had. She said the gas did not smell like sulfur.. it had a very bad smell and she knew it was something different. She took samples of the chard that was burned, and swaps off her windows and had them tested by the state of Hawaii. They told her they could not find anything on the samples.


As a gift to her, I printed off an aerial view of her farm in H.O.V.E. and gave it to her. As she left, I closed the browser.. but something red caught my eye, so I decide to check it out later. Back at my desk, and starting on Google Earth at H.O.V.E., I followed up the ridge and realized as I approached the summit of the Volcano that something was much different. Small red hot places doted the landscape. I zoomed in for a closer look.. chicken skin. This was a different image, I realized, Google had updated their image and Mauna Loa was awakening!

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Mauna Loa - Earth's Largest Volcano shows Lava on it's surface in Google Earth/Map Satellite Image


by Lisa Long     Page 1 of 1 page(s)



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If a volcano erupts and no one sees it.. does that mean it is not happening?


I have spent days working to get media and government attention to the fact that there are red-white hot spots shown in a newly uploaded Google Earth image of the Mauna Loa Volcano.


These very clear satellite images show bright red, white, yellow and orange hot spots on the SW Rift Zone of Mauna Loa, THE LARGEST VOLCANO IN THE WORLD, located on the Big Island of Hawaii, where I live.


I have looked at images on Google Earth of Mauna Loa several times over the past year or two. About three weeks ago a friend of mine mentioned strange gases, noises and helicopters above the Hawaiian Ocean View Estates (H.O.V.E.) subdivision. I had heard these rumors before, so I spent several hours looking at Google Satellite images of Mauna Loa. I found no unusual buildings or activity on the volcano at any of these times. However, this time it was different.


This week Tuesday, May 6, 2008, a farmer mentioned her Swiss Chard was burned by a mysterious ground hugging milky cloud that moved from above her farm down thru the fields and even thru a small farm building she had. She said the gas did not smell like sulfur.. it had a very bad smell and she knew it was something different. She took samples of the chard that was burned, and swaps off her windows and had them tested by the state of Hawaii. They told her they could not find anything on the samples.


As a gift to her, I printed off an aerial view of her farm in H.O.V.E. and gave it to her. As she left, I closed the browser.. but something red caught my eye, so I decide to check it out later. Back at my desk, and starting on Google Earth at H.O.V.E., I followed up the ridge and realized as I approached the summit of the Volcano that something was much different. Small red hot places doted the landscape. I zoomed in for a closer look.. chicken skin. This was a different image, I realized, Google had updated their image and Mauna Loa was awakening!

Mauna loa (or lao), has been erupting for decades - it's even a tourist attraction to see the lava flow - chopper ride.


Images going to Google earth are usually at least 1 year old before going into it(or used to be that way) with the exception of the newly live google earth that are images from the ground level (not satellite).


And Mauna loa is not the largest volcano on earth... Finally that volcano is one of the most watch - day in day out by multiple scientific teams. So if something is really happening we would have known for sure - as it is actually the case with the releases of more gases than usual for the past month or so.


I think Miss Long forgot her pills or took one too much B) Did she dial 911 ?


Et pour ceux qui voudraient voir la pub concernant les tours d'hélicoptères au dessus des laves et volcans .. voici (c'est très beau) : Lava flow tour

Modifié par Regg001
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