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Observations de surface / France / LFST (07190)

Régions: Québec | Canada | États-Unis | Europe | France | UK | Ailleurs
Infos & localisation pour LFST (07190)

AAXX 16084 07190 24359 /1704 10149 20129 39890 40067 51004 700// 333 60005 90710 91107
SYNOP Synoptic observation (non-standard hour) (automatically generated)
section 0:
AAXX fixed land station
1608 Report time: on the 16., 08:00 UTC
4 wind data: kt
07190 station id: 07190 (Europe)
section 1:
2 precipitation data: in section 3
4 weather data: in section 1
3 base of lowest cloud from: 200 m 660 ft
to: 300 m 980 ft
59 Visibility: 9 (.. <10) km 5.6 miles
/ total cloud cover: (not available)
1704 Wind: from the S (170° (+4°/-5°)) at 7.4 km/h 4 kt = 4.6 mph = 2.1 m/s
10149 20129 Temperature: 14.9 °C 58.8 °F
Dewpoint: 12.9 °C 55.2 °F
relative humidity*: 88%
39890 station level pressure: 989.0 hPa 29.21 in. Hg = 742 mmHg
40067 sea level pressure: 1006.7 hPa 29.73 in. Hg = 755 mmHg
51004 pressure change (station level) since 3 hour(s): +0.4 hPa, having increased, then steady; or increased then increased more slowly
700// Weather: cloud development not observed during the preceding hour
weather since 1 hour(s): (not available)
333 section 3:
60005 precip. amount since 1 hour(s): 0 mm 0 in.
90710 91107 highest gust since 1.0 hour(s): 13 km/h 7 kt = 8.1 mph = 3.6 m/s