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DIONYSOS - Online diagnostics:

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Explore Orographic Forcing using Dionysos output

Forecast Time 31h30

Jump to forecast hour : 10h30 13h30 16h30 19h30 22h30 25h30 28h30 31h30 34h30 UTC
Click on a point to get a profile of orographic forcing, as well as the vertical motion and the vorticity tendency caused by this orographic forcing
It will take a few seconds to generate the map

Orographic Vertical Motion at the surface in Red (10-1 Pa/sec).
Winds in Black (knots).

Back to Vertical Motion Diagnostics
Back to Geostrophic Vorticity Tendency Diagnostics (Geostrophic Vorticity shown)
Back to Geostrophic Vorticity Tendency Diagnostics (Geostrophic Vorticity Tendency shown)
Back to Upper-level Vorticity Tendency Diagnostics (Vorticity shown)
Back to Upper-level Vorticity Tendency Diagnostics (Vorticity Tendency shown)