[ 09:51 ET -
13:51 UTC ]
Friday 28 March 2025
A site hosted by UQAM's Atmospheric Sciences Group
WeatherAlert Discussion Forum Weather Board Weather News

Montreal 06:39
19:18 Yesterday (27/03, Dorval) Tx= 7.3°C Tn= -2.3°C P24h= 0.8mm
Analysis and Observations
- Surface: N. Amer. Canada Quebec (Southwest Montreal East) US Caribbean Europe
- N. Amer. upper air: 1000 hPa Th'w 850 hPa (Th'w) 700 hPa (HR) 500 hPa 300 hPa 250 hPa CAPE
- Quebec upper air: 1000 hPa Th'w 850 hPa (Th'w) 700 hPa (HR) 500 hPa 300 hPa 250 hPa CAPE
- Fronts from EC (00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z) and NCEP (00Z 06Z 12Z 18Z)
- CMC analyses: N. Amer. (img anim pan) Quebec (img anim pan) N. Hemisphere (img anim pan)
- CaPA precipitation accumulations: N. Amer. (6h 24h) Quebec (6h 24h)
- Land surface analyses from CMC and NOHRSC snow analyses
- SYNOP: Precip. accum. (N. Amer. Quebec) Tmin/Tmax (N. Amer. Quebec) Snow on ground (N. Amer. Quebec) Summaries
- Soundings: Maniwaki (Tephigram hodograph text) and Northeast composite
- Severe Weather: Mesoanalysis and Composite map
- Observations for Quebec
- by station: Dorval Mirabel St-Hubert St-Jovite Gatineau Sherbrooke Quebec City
- by region: Montreal SouthWest NorthWest Centre East Centre-North
- LiveCams: Quebec
- Forest fire maps (Quebec Canada US) and Air Quality (Montreal Quebec US World)
- Monitoring of flood (Quebec) and drought (Canada)
Radar images
Satellite images
Lightning detection
Numerical weather prediction models
- Automated warnings for Southern Quebec: Short-term Long-term
- Extra-Tropical and Tropical cyclone automated tracking
- Deterministic forecasting system comparison
- N. Amer. (img spag) Quebec (img spag) Meteograms
- CMC-GDPS (up to +240-h - see more images)
- CMC-HRDPS (up to +48-h - see more images)
- CMC products: Vizaweb and Hourly precipitation animation
- Other deterministic forecasting systems:
- CMC-GEPS (up to +384-h - see more images)
- N. Amer. (img) Quebec (img) Meteograms
- 00Z every thursdays: Monthly forecasts
- CMC-REPS (up to +72-h - see more images)
- N. Amer. (img) Quebec (img) Meteograms
- Other ensemble forecasting systems: NCEP (GEFS SREF)
- Dionysos diagnostics: CMC-GDPS 00Z NCEP-GFS 00Z
Public forecasts and warnings
- Products from Environment Canada
- 7-day forecasts for Quebec: Montreal St-Hyacinthe St-Jerome Huntingdon (Archive)
- Warnings, watches and statements: Quebec Canada
- Summaries: Quebec
- Air quality forecasts
- Hydro Meteo - Info Rivieres and Forest fire risk forecasts from SOPFEU
- Products from the U.S. National Weather Service
- Forecasts from Burlington (VT) office for: Plattsburgh Malone Newport
- Weather discussions
- Forecasts by Environnement Canada for the St. Lawrence River
Weather and climate monitoring
- Surface observations
- Daily Tmin/Tmax radial plot for Montreal et Quebec
- Daily monitoring for Montreal and summary for Quebec province
- Eastern Canada temperature (30d 90d 1yr ) and precipitation (30d 90d 1yr)
- Climate summaries for various stations in Canada
- Canadian Climate averages and Observation data archives
- Analysis and Reanalysis maps
- Indices
- Blocking AO NAO (3-month runing mean) PNA and ENSO (maps time series)
Educational resources
- Beginner: InterMET Advance: COMET-MetEd EUMETCAL
A selection of meteorology Web sites
- Quebec's meteorology websites directory
- UQAM: Dionysos Software ESCER MDCR
- Amateur networks: CoCoRaHS Réseau Météo-Québec
- Associations
- Professional: CMOS AMS EMS RMetS - Upcoming conferences
- Amateur: InfoClimat Meteo-Centre
- Climate: Climat Quebec Quebec's Gov. Ouranos CCmaC CICS NOAA (CPC NCDC PSD)
- Companies: Accu-Weather IntelliCast Unisys
- Convection: NOAA (SPC NSSL) TwisterData
- Education: COMET-MetEd EUMETCAL
- Employment: Careers in the federal public service (EC) CMOS Met-Jobs Earthworks
- Forums: Canadian Weather Infoclimat (France) UK Weather World
- Governments: Environment Canada NCEP (WPC NCO) ECMWF Norway (yr.no) MeteoFrance UK Met Office WMO
- Medias: The Weather Network CNN Weather The Weather Channel and USA Today Weather
- Personal: NovaWeather Ptaff SpotWx Toutou Météo Weatherstats
- Storm chasers: ACO Incredible Weather Quebec Vortex Severe studios
- Tropical Cyclones: Canadian HC NHC CMISS NRL Unisys Wunderground
- Universities: DuPage Ohio State Penn State Radar McGill Wisconsin Wyoming NCAR
- Web mapping services: NWS Enhanced Data Display NASA WorldView WunderMap