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Weather Conditions observed on 2024/11/21 at 18:51 UTC at NEW YORK/JF KENN, NY (KJFK)
Sky conditions: overcast.
Obstruction(s) to Vision: light rain.
Temperature: 11.0 Celsius.
Dewpoint: 9.0 Celsius.
Relative Humidity: 87%
Windchill Factor 8.
Winds: North-northeast at 22 km/h or 12 knots.
Mean Sea level Pressure: 99.69 kilopascals.
Altimeter Setting (QNH): 99.69 kilopascals or 29.44 inches of mercury.
Horizontal visibility: 9.00 statute miles or 14.40 kilometers.
Height of the Ceiling: 396 metres ( 1300 feet ).
There was 0.00 millimeters of precipitation in the past 6 hours.
Coded METAR:
KJFK 211851Z 02012KT 9SM -RA BKN013 OVC018 11/09 A2944 RMK AO2 SLP969 P0000