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Surface observations / United Kingdom / EGLL (03772)

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Info & Location for EGLL (03772)

AAXX 23134 03772 25683 83307 10107 20030 30193 40224 58011 88/// 333 55300 21557 60005 88/43 91012 90710 91117
SYNOP Synoptic observation (non-standard hour) (automatically generated)
section 0:
AAXX fixed land station
2313 Report time: on the 23., 13:00 UTC
4 wind data: kt
03772 station id: 03772 (Europe)
section 1:
2 precipitation data: in section 3
5 weather data: omitted (no significant phenomenon)
6 base of lowest cloud from: 1000 m 3280 ft
to: 1500 m 4920 ft
83 Visibility: 45 (.. <49) km 28 miles
8 total cloud cover: 8/8 (10/10)
3307 Wind: from the NNW (330° (+4°/-5°)) at 13 km/h 7 kt = 8.1 mph = 3.6 m/s
10107 20030 Temperature: 10.7 °C 51.3 °F
Dewpoint: 3.0 °C 37.4 °F
relative humidity*: 59%
30193 station level pressure: 1019.3 hPa 30.10 in. Hg = 765 mmHg
40224 sea level pressure: 1022.4 hPa 30.19 in. Hg = 767 mmHg
58011 pressure change (station level) since 3 hour(s): -1.1 hPa, steady or having increased, then decreased; or decreased then decreased more rapidly
88/// cloud types: cloud cover: 8/8 (10/10)
low: (not available)
mid-level: (not available)
high: (not available)
333 section 3:
55300 21557 duration of sunshine since 1 hour(s): 0 min.
global solar radiation since 1 hour(s): 1557 kJ/m²
60005 precip. amount since 1 hour(s): 0 mm 0 in.
88/43 base of 8/8 (10/10) (cloud type not observable): 1290 m 4230 ft
91012 highest gust since 10 min.: 22.2 km/h 12 kt = 13.8 mph = 6.2 m/s
90710 91117 highest gust since 1.0 hour(s): 31.5 km/h 17 kt = 19.6 mph = 8.7 m/s