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Posts posté(e)s par SnowmanDom

  1. Quelqu'un peut me donner un lien pour savoir combien il est tombé de neige depuis le début de l'hiver.


    Je sais qu'à Québec le journal le soleil publie cet info qui doit provenir d'EC...


    C'est une donnée intéressante pour se situer par rapport à l'année record car on donne le comparatif avec la saison dernière...

  2. Voici les comentaires de Brett:


    As I said yesterday, this clipper will weaken Saturday night as energy is transfered to the coast and begins to spawn a new coastal storm to the southeast of Cape Cod. Computer models are still all over the place with the intensity of the storm, as some keep the energy split which delays the intensification of the main storm, but most agree pretty well with the track. [/b]I personally favor the faster intensification into one large storm. Easterly winds (not the wind snow lovers in Nova Scotia and PEI want to see) will quickly increase later Saturday night out ahead of the developing storm and will spread enough mild air for either a snow to rain or all rain event over most of Nova Scotia and PEI Saturday night and early Sunday. The storm should track right across Nova Scotia on Sunday. Right now it looks like much of New Brunswick, central and northern Maine and extreme eastern Quebec, including much of the Gaspe will get the heaviest snow out of this storm. How much snow? I think parts of central and northern New Brunswick could get up to 30 cm. I will post a snow accumulation map early Friday afternoon since I am doing the forecast graphics schedule from 7am-3pm. That schedule is responsible for most of the feature graphics you see on the headline part of on the top left. The extreme southern and eastern coastal areas of New Brunswick will be close to the rain/mix/snow line so things could be sloppy there. This storm looks like a miss for Montreal, but a close call for Quebec City. Southeast Newfoundland will get rain again.


    désolé pour les gens de Montré faut continuer à danser à Québec...

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