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These winter rankings are from 1600 to 2008. Only winters with extremely severe

to very severe and to severe made the list. 1=2=3=4 are rated SEVERE.5=6=7= are rated VERY SEVERE.8=9=10 are rated EXTREMELY SEVERE. These rankings could change in future updates as more information is obtained from the archives

or emailed to me from various sources.The mean average temperture and snowfall totals are for McGill and from December till March .The winter years before that are ranked also for Montreal winters and area for the north east. Before 1871 official totals for weather information were given out only for military naval and outposts in remote areas.There is so much data to comply before 1871 and to give out a average temperture and snowfall amount will be hard.But i think its still possbile to give out some informaton before 1871 for Montreal and area.I will try to put out something in the future. The rankings i made were based on how hard the winter was. So twice or once a week i will write a small story on each winter season starting from no.38 and going down to no.1. The king of all winters 1697-98. I will also leave a map chart at the end of the rankings and you could see where the warm periods began and the ice ages also. I hope you enjoy this. Thank You,

Merci Beaucoup








1...... 1697-98.... 10

2...... 1740-41.... 9

3...... 1641-42.... 9

4...... 1604-05.... 9

5...... 1732-33.... 9

6...... 1680-81.... 9

7...... 1783-84.... 9

8...... 1637-38.... 8

9...... 1764-65.... 8

10.... 1779-80.... 7

11.... 1835-36.... 7

12.... 1798-99.... 7

13.... 1719-20.... 7

14.... 1704-05.... 7

15.... 1819-20.... 6

16.... 1831-32.... 6

17.... 1705-06.... 6

18.... 1747-48.... 6

19.... 1856-57.... 6

20.... 1817-18.... 6

21.... 1836-37.... 5

22.... 1867-68.... 5

23.... 1884-85.... 5.... -10.7.... 322.1

24.... 1903-04.... 5.... -10.5.... 289.8

25.... 1933-34.... 5.... -10.5.... 228.3

26.... 1874-75.... 5.... -10.9.... 217.5

27.... 1886-87.... 5.... -10.0.... 349.5

28.... 1904-05.... 5.... -10.4.... 298.2

29.... 1887-88.... 4..... - 9.9.... 298.7

30.... 1917-18.... 4.... -10.3.... 293.4

31.... 1882-83.... 4.... -10.3.... 286.8

32.... 1970-71.... 4..... - 9.4.... 364.2

33.... 1883-84.... 3..... - 9.0.... 299.2

34.... 1906-07.... 3..... - 9.2.... 276.6

35.... 1993-94.... 3..... - 9.3.... 230.8

36.... 1958-59.... 3..... - 9.2.... 244.1

37.... 1878.79.... 3..... - 8.3.... 330.5

38.... 1892-93.... 3..... - 9.3.... 159.5


Modifié par iceberg
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