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Numerical weather prediction systems

Regions: North America | Quebec (SouthWest · East | Europe | France/UK | Northern & Southern Hemispheres Fr En
Available systems for Europe
UKMET Global
MeteoFrance ARPEGE

CMC-GDPS / Europe (mesh: 15 km interpolated to 25 km)


Standard MapsImagesAnimationsPanelsRunImages created on:
ClassicSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 04:39Z
PrecipitationSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 04:41Z
Cloud CoverSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:07Z
2m TSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 04:59Z
2m TdSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:08Z
2m Rel. HumiditySat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:16Z
10m WindSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:04Z
10m GustsSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:06Z
850-hPa TSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:03Z
700-hPa Vert. MotionSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:17Z
500-hPa VorticitySat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:18Z
250-hPa WindSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:20Z
Dynamic TropopauseSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:19Z
MultiVariable (Surface) Sat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:20Z
MultiVariable (Upper Air) Sat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:20Z
AccumulationsSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 04:58Z
MeteogramsSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 04:47Z
Skew-TSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:36Z
Cyclone TrackingSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 04:54Z
DiagnosticsSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 04:15Z
Daily Min/Max MapsImagesAnimationsPanelsRunImages created on:
2m T Max Sat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:01Z
2m T Min Sat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:00Z
2m T Max - Climato. Sat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:02Z
2m T Min - Climato. Sat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:01Z
10m Gusts Max Sat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:06Z
MultiVariable (Min/Max) Sat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:20Z
Summertime MapsImagesAnimationsPanelsRunImages created on:
2m HumidexSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:09Z
CAPESat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:12Z
Lifted IndexSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:13Z
Energy Helicity IndexSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:13Z
Precipitable WaterSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:15Z
MultiVariable (Convection) Sat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:21Z
Meteograms - SummerSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 04:47Z
Wintertime MapsImagesAnimationsPanelsRunImages created on:
Precipitation (Types)Sat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 04:49Z
2m WindchillSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:10Z
Snow on the groundSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 05:16Z
Accumulations - TypesSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 04:58Z
Meteograms - PrecipSat 27 Jul 00ZSat 27 Jul at 04:47Z
Green: Data are up-to-date / Red: Data are NOT up-to-date

CMC-GDPS system technical information
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