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Tempête 21 décembre : Évènements divers


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Multiple injuries reported in I-43 pileup


By Mike Johnson of the Journal Sentinel

Dec. 21, 2008 1:10 p.m. | Multiple people have been injured as the result of the multi-vehicle pileup in the southbound lanes of I-43 near Highway D about noon today, but there aren't any reports of fatalities, the Ozaukee County Sheriff's Department said.


At least a dozen vehicles collided in the southbound lanes of I-43 near Highway D in Ozaukee County, forcing the closure of the southbound lanes.


The crashes, near Belgium, occurred during whiteout conditions caused by high winds and blowing snow.


Numerous ambulances and rescue personnel are on the scene, according to the Ozaukee County Sheriff's Department.


Officers were still tallying the number of injuries and the number of vehicles involved, the Sheriff's Department said. »Read Full Article


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