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Pour ceux qui s'ennuie déjà de l'été....


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J'avais le feeling que l'été ne prendrait qu'une pause d'une semaine ou 2.


J'avais raison.


Une autre vague de chaleur pour la fin de la semaine prochaine. Le GFS s'emballe et ACW partage cet emballement.


Soyez patient!



"After days upon days of nice weather, people in the Northeast are beginning to wonder if the heat of summer is behind them. The answer is no. The weather pattern will change late next week and bring a new surge of hot weather to the East Coast. Similar to what has happened so far this summer, the heat will first build in the Southwest and nation's midsection, then surge to the East Coast as the jet stream lifts well to the north. This next shot of hot weather will not come close to the heat wave that struck the region early this month, but by next weekend we will experience above-normal temperatures with noticeably higher humidity levels".


Modifié par Mistral21
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