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La neige n'est pas fini!


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Une bonne dépression remonterait la côte est dès Lundi. Elle nous affecterait dès mercredi apportant son lot humidité du sud. Pour l'instant, la zone de précipitation la plus forte se situerais sur le maine. Étant donné la température près du point de congélation, la situaion de mélange serait possible...mais bon c'est encore peut encore passer dans l'océan ou directement sur nous...Situation à surveiller!

Modifié par meteomarc
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No Party Next Week Either




Spring takes time to evolve, especially across the northern half of the nation. Simply, the Northern Hemisphere needs time to thaw out after a long hard winter. There is a lot of ice and snow to melt across Canada, and the oceans must also be warmed. This thawing process takes up much of the sun`s energy. In time, warm weather will blossom everywhere, but not next week. It looks like more trouble is coming our way. Yet another storm will emerge from the south-central states, while cold air continues to blanket the north. That may mean yet another substantial snowfall. On the southern side of the storm, the air will be a good deal warmer, but that could set the stage for an outbreak of severe thunders



J'ai pris ca sur accuweather.

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