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Un dur hiver à venir ? hard winter to come ?


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AccuWeather.Com Winter ForecastUpdated: Thursday, October 09, 2008 2:18 PM2008-09 Winter to Be a Cold Slap in the Face in the East Meteorologist Joe Bastardi Forecasts Coldest Winter in Five Years In The Eastern US


Today, Chief Long-Range Forecaster Joe Bastardi released his 2008-09 Winter Season Forecast addressing issues of average temperature and precipitation impacting the nation. His forecast calls for one of the coldest winters in several years across much of the East.


The core of cold was centered across the Great Plains last year but is expected to be farther east this year. Bastardi says the winter of 2008-2009 will be viewed as the hardest in several years. "It may be a shock to some when compared with the above-average temperatures of last year in the East. It will put some 'brrrrrr' in the saddle of folks who have not had to deal with such things for a while," he cautions.


"In the eastern half of the nation, people will look at the winter as bookends of cold," Bastardi said. He says the overall colder and snowier winter will be off to a cold start in December with perhaps the roughest winter month for much of the nation. It may finish with another cold spell in late January and February.


Between the bookends of cold, Bastardi expects "the January thaw of old winter lore" but it will offer only a temporary break to consumers. "The winter as a whole in the population-dense eastern third of the nation will be a one-two punch of higher heating prices and lower temperatures. Given this economic environment, the winter could push some homeowners to the brink," he concludes. In some cases, homeowners trying to keep their residences as warm as last winter could spend hundreds of dollars more this heating season.


Temperatures across most of the West will be warmer than last year and should be warmer than normal, which will help consumers by keeping heating cost increases in check. The northern Rockies and Northwest will still have more snow than normal but not as much as last year, where some locations developed a snow pack that reached twice normal levels.


The Great Plains was blasted by snow last year, and many communities ran very low on salt to keep roads clear of ice. Despite the elevated cost of salt this winter season, these areas will receive a break in the form of less snow than last year. Unfortunately, the East will not turn out as lucky, as more snowfall than last year is expected.

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Temps will be in normal mode in the pacific basin by november and below normal

by january. Winters of this calibre bring extreme temp swings for southern Quebec.

If i would take a guess this winter would be like the winter of 2002-03.


all signs point to a old fashion winter.

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Mr. A.Theunissen tell us why its going to be a warm winter and what information do you have to back up your forcast. all i know is that my friends at SMITH AND BARNEYS tell me that this winter will be colder then normal and above normal for snowfall now im betting that this winter will be a old fashion winter from the indices

that im looking at. SMITH AND BARNEY work with the stock market on food commodities and they forcast long trend futures and let me tell you they have to be right on the money 95 % of the time when you have millions being invested

in the stock market.

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Mr. A.Theunissen tell us why its going to be a warm winter and what information do you have to back up your forcast. all i know is that my friends at SMITH AND BARNEYS tell me that this winter will be colder then normal and above normal for snowfall now im betting that this winter will be a old fashion winter from the indices

that im looking at. SMITH AND BARNEY work with the stock market on food commodities and they forcast long trend futures and let me tell you they have to be right on the money 95 % of the time when you have millions being invested

in the stock market.

Je devrais poster mon forecast de l'hiver 2008-2009 dans pas trop longtemps et j'expliquerai pk je pense que la température sera proche des normales avec possiblement un penchant au-dessus. Je ne pense pas que l'hiver aura été froid dans son ensemble rendu à la fin février. Les prévisions de précipitations sont difficiles par contre.


Certains sont dans le camp d'un hiver plus chaud, et d'autre d'un plus froid. On verra en mars 2009 qui aura été le plus proche de la réalité.

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Mr. A.Theunissen tell us why its going to be a warm winter and what information do you have to back up your forcast. all i know is that my friends at SMITH AND BARNEYS tell me that this winter will be colder then normal and above normal for snowfall now im betting that this winter will be a old fashion winter from the indices

that im looking at. SMITH AND BARNEY work with the stock market on food commodities and they forcast long trend futures and let me tell you they have to be right on the money 95 % of the time when you have millions being invested

in the stock market.

Don't tell me the weather will be manage by the same group of geeks who created the current financial crisis.. Oh my God.. now i know why this will really be a very hard winter .. :lol:

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If the US continues in Irak, Maybe a krash like 1929 will hit again...I start to be alittle affraid of that crisis...Hard Winter to come whatever the forecasts are...I only hope that thw weather in US will be calm in 2009 and not like January 2008 with a big outbreak and manys damages dues to tornadoes...With the crisis, this will be really enough...


Well, like Allan says, we will see what will haved happen in March 2009 with all that stuff...

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SMITH AND BARNEY work with the stock market on food commodities and they forcast long trend futures and let me tell you they have to be right on the money 95 % of the time when you have millions being invested

in the stock market.



y mouillera pu

pantoute pantoute


y mouillera pu pantoute


La compagnie des parapluies

est virée en banqueroute




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Et qu'est ce que leur long terme prévoyait à l'automne 2007

pour l'hiver 2008?

Est ce que qqn a archivé leur prévision?

Faut faire attention avec les prévisions de Bastardi - ça ne concerne que le territoire américain. Ceci dit, en fouillant on peu trouver de belles choses sur ce qui avait été dit en 2007 concernant l'hiver qui s'en venait.


Brett Anderson/Accuweather (selon son étude de l'Euro) en septembre 2007 prévoyait pour l'Est du pays, un hiver commençant tres en retard et une douceur plus que normale pour la saison et peu de précipitation. Bon ok, ça n'a pas été un hiver très froid. Pour le reste ... ben on s'en rappelle n'est-ce pas.


Alors , c'est vraiment sur ça que Smith & Barney prennent leurs décisions ? ;)


Je tiens cependant à mentionner qu'Allan (notre Allan) avait vu plutôt juste dès septembre 2007 en mentionnant :


Le NAO va déterminer ce que sera l'hiver. La possibilité d'un La-Nina modéré est là, et un La-nina faible ne donne pas les memes chiffres. Si le NAO est positif une bonne partie de l'hiver, et que La-Nina est plus intense que prévu par les modèles (ils le donnent faible), je crois que la chaleur pourrait etre encore au rendez-vous.


On a effectivement eu un NAO positif et il s'est avéré que La Nina a été beaucoup plus intenses.

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Et ça c'est la prévision 2008-2009 pour le sud du Québec - toujours selon Old Farmer Almanach.


Southern Quebec

Annual Weather Summary

November 2008 to October 2009


Detailed 2009 Long-Range Forecast

for the Southern Quebec Region



Winter will be milder and drier than normal, with below-normal snowfall. The coldest temperatures will occur in mid-December and early February. The heaviest snowfalls will occur in mid-December, early February, and early March.


April and May will have near-normal temperatures, on average, with below-normal rainfall.


Summer will be cooler than normal, with above-normal rainfall in the east and drier weather in the west. The hottest temperatures will occur in mid- to late July.


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I predict this winter will be below freezing with snow from time to time. ;)

I don't understand why people always try to predict the weather seasons at a time, when 5 days is hard enough to figure out.


Seasonal forecasts when there are no el ninos or la ninas are next to impossible!



Je trouve ça drole prédire les saisons quand il na pas de el nino et la nina.

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L'an passé c'était ceci



Mother Nature is once again keeping all of us on our toes, reveals Editor and Philom. Peter Geiger, we know she likes to throw curve balls at us from time to time and this winter it looks as though shes going to reveal a possible split personality.


The Canadian Farmers Almanac long-range forecasts are calling for a colder than normal winter with a greater than average complement of precipitation for the Ontario/Quebec border and points east into the Maritimes.

From central Ontario west through the Prairies and Rockies, on to the Pacific Coast the overall winter will be milder than normal with near or below normal precipitation.


Skiers across Quebec will rejoice: snowier than normal conditions are expected. Snowy conditions will also be the case over Newfoundland. Overall, the winter should also average below normal temperature-wise across Quebec and the Maritimes.


Cold and snowy weather should also prevail over the Great Lakes region. In contrast, the Prairies, Rocky Mountains, and Pacific Coast should enjoy a relatively mild and somewhat drier than normal winter season overall. For some locations, the amount of wintertime precipitation rain or snow could average one-quarter to as much as one-half below seasonal normal.


And near and along the boundary zone between the mild and tranquil West and the cold and stormy East, we look for some large-scale weather vacillations: going from wintry to spring like and back to winter, almost like some sort of a meteorological pendulum undergoing a series of pretty wild swings.

Modifié par Coyote.
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I predict this winter will be below freezing with snow from time to time. ;)

I don't understand why people always try to predict the weather seasons at a time, when 5 days is hard enough to figure out.


Seasonal forecasts when there are no el ninos or la ninas are next to impossible!



Je trouve ça drole prédire les saisons quand il na pas de el nino et la nina.

Ben d'accord... on fait ligue du vieux poêle ce soir ha ha .

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Bon sujet pour se défouler un peu. Alors pour moi je prédis qu'il fera plus froid que présentement avec des températures sous 0C. Il y aura de la neige aussi à l'occasion. Un verglas au début de janvier. Bon, je pense que je n'ai rien oublié.

Modifié par Trapper
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Je pense qu'on oublie le plus imporatnt:


Quelle sera la position du CH rendu en mars?

Approximativement 45 degrés de latitude nord et à 74 degrés de longitude ouest pas mal tout le mois de mars... Seulement 4 matchs à l'extérieur au cours de ce mois! ;)


En passant, concernant l'hiver qui s'en vient, je crois sincèrement que pour Montréal, la Beauce, Gaspé, Port-Cartier, Réserve Faunique, Kamouraska, Rimouski, les Laurentides, Montmagny-L'Islet, Charlevoix, l'Abitibi, l'Estrie, Pontiac, Chibougamau, Blanc-Sablon, Chandler, Temiscouata, Lac St-Jean, Québec, Vaudreuil et Gatineau, les températures moyennes seront respectivement de -6, -12, -13, -15, -10, -9, -11, -12, -8, -8, -14, -3, -29, -27, -11, -8, -10, -7, -9, -5 et +2! :wacko:


«Bref, le frète s'ra pas chaud c't'hiver!» :o



Modifié par Tornade
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Tornade, tu as oublié Lanaudière.

;) oui, c'est vrai et quelques autres régions également ont été omises!! C'est grand le Québec!!!


Alors, pour Lanaudière, Waskaganish, Matagami, le grand Témiscamingue, le p'tit Témis (MicHuot va comprendre!!!), Mont-Laurier, Chevery, Parc du Mont-Tremblant, La Chute-St-Jérôme, Valle du Richelieu, Drummondville/Bois-Francs, La Tuque, Saguenay, Manicouagan, Escoumins, Baie-Comeau, Sept-Îles, Minganie, Matane, Amqui, Restigouche, Sainte-Anne-Des-Monts, New-Carlisle, Natashquan, Anticosti et les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, les températures ressenties moyennes incluant le refroidissement éolien, l'humidité, l'évapotranspiration en fonction de l'ensoleillement et de l'altitude du niveau de la mer seront de: -9, -9.5, -12, -4, -5, -17, -13, -21, -16, -3, -8, -19, -6, -4, -2, -8, -15, -5, -7, -2, -21, -5, -10, -11, -18 et -19.


Pour les amateurs de loteries, le complémentaire est le 6 avec la p'tite barre en-dessous!



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hahahah vous etes en feu les gars !!


Peu importe les prédictions... On va avoir quelque jour ou y va faire froid, des tempetes de neiges , du verglas pi du grésil et de la poudrerie pi surement un redoux quelque part entre fin décembre et début mars!!



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Prédiction maison, premier petit soupoudrage généraliser de neige entre le 21 et le 28 octobre ensuite première tempête importante la première semaine de novembre, température inférieur aux normals, moins de précipitation en mm mais plus de neige car on aura un ratio supérieur a l'année dernière lors des tempêtes. Dernière vrai tempete de l'hiver le 26 avril. Je base ceci sur l'observation de la temperature des eaux, l'énorme activité volcanique de cette année que nous pouvont observer chaque jour et a chaque coucher de soleil, le fait que le soleil est dans une phase minimum et aussi sur la nouvelle théorie liée aux noctilicious cloud que nous pouvons observée dès maintenant jusqu'au 32e parallèle. Remarquons aussi que l'hiver dans l'hemisphère sud s'étire et s'étire et aura été un des plus neigeux de tout les temps même en afrique du sud ils ont eu de la neige imaginer vous.

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