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Finallement la réponse a notre début d'hiver et la confirmation que El Nino finallement est beaucoup plus fort que le prévoyais les experts...enfin!


Concerns about December

Friday, December 08, 2006


I am going to take a brief break from the short term weather today, and focus on the rest of December, since the weather will be fairly tranquil over much of the country this weekend, with a lack of major storms.


I just took a look at the new long range european model data which came in today, and it has strong El Nino written all over it. What do I mean by that? What I mean is that the overall pattern across North America for the remainder of the month forecasted by the European model closely resembles the characteristics of a strong El Nino. I am concerned about this because a large part of my winter forecast was based on weak to moderate el nino conditions, not a strong episode. Sea surface temperature anomalies out in the central Pacific have continued to rise through Novemeber, and you could probably already unofficially classify this current episode as moderate, but perhaps heading toward strong. Back to the European long range forecast model. The model is clearing showing a split in the jet stream dominating through the remainder of the month. The northern, polar branch of the jet stream is forecasted to remain far to the north across northern Canada, which would trap all the arctic air up across that region and into Alaska. The remainder of Canada ends up being influenced by a westerly flow off the Pacific, which would lead to above normal temperatures throughout much of Canada into the end of the month and perhaps early January. One other exception to this may end up being British Columbia, where daytime temperatures may end up close to normal due to more clouds and precipitation. This is just another example of how difficult it is to predict the future of water temperatures out in the isolated Pacific. We look at these El Nino/La Nina forecasts from computers and the government from a couple of months out, and most of the time they end up being off target. The latest forecast from the government is that El Nino conditions will now continue to intensify through the winter. Just last month the forecast was for weak El Nino conditions to continue through the winter. I also remember the spring forecast suggesting that La Nina conditions would persist through the fall. Well, we all know that the hurricane season was much less than most forecasters expected, and one reason was that a weak El Nino developed, not La Nina.



The image below is the European model temperature anomaly forecast for the end of December. The pink shading is above normal temperatures, blue is below normal.



This image below shows the latest CFS model forecasted temperature anomalies toward the end of December. The reds are above normal temperatures and the blues are below normal. Note how mild eastern Canada is forecasted to be. The west is predicted to be colder, but I have a feeling that it may end up being more toward normal out there due to the stronger Pacific influence.



I would hate to revise my winter forecast a third of the way through, but I cannot rule that out, if the strong El Nino does indeed form and persist. I will continue to closely watch the situation over the next few weeks, but still hold with my initial winter forecast, especially due to the recent weakness in these water temperature forecast. Though, I am starting to think that December is going to end up unusually mild throughout a large part of Canada. Keep in mind, my winter forecast did not turn colder and snowier in eastern Canada until January or later in most areas. It is still only December 9th and winter is still a newborn baby in my mind.


Updated: 12/8/2006 6:35 PM



voyons la fin avec un peu d'optimiste,et encore la ont viendras nous dire que c'est encore la faute a El Nino.

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personne a date le sait vraiment et le temps sera la pour le dire...


Je vois cela encore comme une porte de sortie pour des prévisions a longue écheance qui ne tienneront surement pas la route.Ont fait des prédictions et quand c'est pas tout a fait le scénario qui se produit et bien c'est El Nino ou la Nina ou Linda...ect ect ect


De la a dire que la pluie sera au rendez-vous plus que la neige et bien,la encore personne ne peut s'avancé de maniere précise ,juste un petit degré de différence et le scénario n'est pas tout a fait le meme.


Moi et je dit bien moi,ma conclusion sur l'hiver 2006-2007 je la tirerai vers la mi-Janvier et je saurai a quoi me tenir pour le reste de l'Hiver ,surtout si c'est la meme evolution qu' en 1998.

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Les plus récents modèles européens parlent d'un fort El-Nino à se développer au cours des prochaines semaines. Les premiers modèles parlaient d'un El-Nino faible à modéré.

Le fait que El-Nino serait fort aura une incidence sur nos températures cet hiver.


Lisez l'article:



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une petite suite...




The early days of December have produced two cold waves and a very destructive winter storm. Very often when the mother lode of cold air comes down, like it did recently, the arctic needs time to reload. That will happen this week with the coldest weather expected to be confined to far eastern Canada and northern New England. In the absence of any large abnormalities in the flow, such as a strong El Nino, a change back to cold stormy weather often occurs within 10 to 15 days.

Story By Expert Senior Meteorologist John Kocet


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The early days of December have produced two cold waves and a very destructive winter storm.


jai tu bien lu,tempéte destructrice :ph34r:


est que signifie la fusil,javou que ca me fais peur a voir cette image :ph34r:

Loin de vouloir brise ton bonheur intuitionmeteorologique;,mais early veut dire "ToT" et dans cette phrase on parlait du Début de Décembre ...sorry! :ph34r:

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Bonsoir tout le monde,Voici des sites assez riche en explication à propos des cyclones :



Voici l'indice de QBO :


l'indice de l'oscillation australe :


Le graphique de l'IOA


Le graphique au niveau mondial des cyclones


D'aprés les indices et de calcul de l'IOA nous allons vers un EL NINO modéré voir neutre dans les mois a venir et non trés fort comme ceux de 1982/83 et 1997/98.


Voici trois cartes de prévision El Nino:


Périodes: DJF 2007


Périodes JFM 2007:


Périodes FMA 2007 :

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Et au Passage voici Mon Blog :angry:

Il est pas pire ton blog, franchement !

Bien complet... dommage que ce ne soit que sur l'europe et la France. Mais tres bien.

Ah si par contre, un petit détail... pourrais-tu s'il te plait changer une petite faute d'orthographe qui fait un peu tâche : "actualiser toutes les heures" à changer en "actualisée toutes les heures"... merci ;)

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