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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 2018-10-17 dans toutes les zones

  1. Prévision du NWS de Burlington, VT .LONG TERM /FRIDAY NIGHT THROUGH TUESDAY/... As of 314 PM EDT Tuesday...Forecast remains relatively unchanged for the extended period, being rather active and progressive under a fast generally west flow aloft. Our next cold front and upper trough looks to swing into the region Friday night through Saturday with perhaps a repeat performance from earlier in the week...lake effect and gusty southwest winds on the front-end Friday night, followed by scattered rain showers Saturday and perhaps some upslope on the back-end Saturday night post-frontal passage. Difference is that behind the front the upper trough lags a little longer bringing a period of scattered snow showers Sunday along with a return of below normal temperatures and blustery conditions. Looking like a good day to sit in front of the wood stove.
    1 point
  2. Assez incroyable oui ….. le vent de la nuit passée a fait un grand ménage dans les arbres dans mon coin ..
    1 point
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