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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 2016-11-11 dans toutes les zones

  1. Une chance que les grandes marées du 14 vont être passé.
    1 point
  2. newsContinue the storms of snow Northern Europe!Of Maria Olivieri -November 8, 2016Map last night clearly shows the cold and disrupted the vortex that is still affecting European Russia and the southern and eastern Scandinavia. Last night to be affected by the blizzard, in particular, the area of ​​St. Petersburg, Finland and southern Sweden. In Moscow the storm of Sunday, 6 November snow was particularly intense, with reduced visibility to only 500 meters in the most intense moments. Here is a picture of the nocturnal haunts Moscow. Moscow snow was sostiuita then by a freezing rain, falling with a wild temperature of -2 ° C. At the same time, a blizzard hit Norway, where they fell about 40 cm of fresh snow on much of the territory, accompanied by strong winds and low temperatures. In the Vegarshei area it fell about a meter of fresh snow. In the picture, the city of Oslo in the storm. But cold and snow have also hit Finland, where they fell about 20 cm of fresh snow on the south-central area. Cold and snow are considered unusual in Finland in early November: temperatures in Scandinavia are in fact approximately 10-13 ° C below the seasonal norm! Tout indique un hiver brutal pour l'est de l'Amérique du Nord.
    1 point
  3. Bon matin Érick !!! C'est assez typique comme trace de pcpn, ça signifie probablement des Nor'Easter mais si tu regardes l'anomalie de pcpn de L'Euro weeklies, nous serions sous la normale côté quantité... mais en effet la trace indique des systèmes longeant la côte si c'est ça tu voulais dire .
    1 point
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