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Tout ce qui a été posté par iceberg

  1. More global warming news, i guess its 50 /50.
  3. Oceans are cooling since 1998, the big el nino and more of el ninas are popping up. Of course a piece of Walkins ice shelf is set to fall down the ocean. So whats the big deal it happened before and will happen again in the future. Some readers in this forum have a one track mind, they dont take in account that nature always will balance its self out for the earths climate system.I said it before and ill say it again the earths climate has cycles and we are in one now which is a cooling period and it will continue for some time.There will be melting periods for the north and south pole thats for sure. Remeber one thing the earth is over 6 billion years old, and we are debating that the earth is getting hot, or getting cold, what im trying to say is that for now its cooling off and in 10 years time more or less you might have a warmer period.Im not saying that global warming is wrong but its not peaking yet to the temp of computer generated results that were being forcasted in 2002, far from it. Here is another link from Nasa on the oceans.
  4. Now over 650 top scientists say global warming is a hoax !!! What more proof does the world need.If the arctic sea ice this year does not break new records like some people say that it will, i will come after them like bees after honey.Ill make sure the newspapers know whats really going on.I was speaking with some of my friends at Enviroment Canada, i will not mention any names but they feel too that global warming is IS NOT REALLY HAPPENING.
  5. New records were also set in Maine USA, the cold snap did not affect us only. In New England, Maine was coldest in Aroostook County where it reached -44F at Clayton Lake, -48F at Ninemile Bridge and -50F at Big Black River, the last two USGS stations. -50F would be the new All-Time State Record Low for Maine, beating out Van Burens -48F set in 1925. It would also tie the coldest ever for all of New England set in Bloomfield, Vermont in December 1933. This cold air fresh from Alaska and Northwest Canada meant business. Let us see if this record holds up in this new era when cold records are not PC. (AP)
  6. Oui Michel c`est bien possible que Wemotaci a touche le -46c. Comme Alex la dit les deux sont dans des cuvettes or valleys.
  7. Yes its possible that Wemotaci did get -46.0c. Also i think that Opitciwan did hover over the -45c mark. Coucoucache also made it over the -46c mark. I will verify this with Enviroment Canada in Ville St. Laurent to be more precise on this matter.
  8. Je pense pas. Wemotaci a frôler les - 42c.
  9. Current - Courant - Observation : 17:47pm EST Montreal-est clear -20.0c Montreal-east Dégagé -20.0c Plus froid -coldest- temperature aux monde- on the planet. OYMYAKON, RUSSIA -53.9c Plus chaude- warmest-temperature aux monde- on the planet. SAN JOSE DE CHIQUITOS, BOLIVIA 37.3c Plus froid-coldest-temperature aux Quebec- in Quebec SCHEFFERVILLE, QUEBEC -33.8c Plus chaude-warmest-temperature aux Quebec- in quebec IlES DE LA MADELEINE, QUEBEC -16.3c RADAR:
  10. current - courant - observation : 6:18am EST Montreal-est clear -25.7c Montreal-east Dégagé -25.7c Plus froid -coldest- temperature aux monde- on the planet. OYMYAKON, RUSSIA -51.9c Plus chaude- warmest-temperature aux monde- on the planet. TELFER, AUSTRALIA 40.3c Plus froid-coldest-temperature aux quebec- in Quebec LA TUQUE -41.5c
  11. current - courant - observation : 22:48pm EST Montreal-est nuageux -21.0c Montreal-east cloudy -21.0c Plus froid -coldest- temperature aux monde- on the planet. Oymyakon, Russia: -54.5c Plus chaude- warmest-temperature aux monde- on the planet. PENRITH AUSTRALIA: 41.7°c RADAR:
  12. 5 TO 10cm of snow for the Montreal area. Closer to the 5cm is more reasonable. This graph is from COLA:
  13. I dont think you understand Regg whats going on. 1. Most weather stations are on urban territory. lots of black pavement there. 2. Most weather stations are out of date and not working properly. budget cuts. 3. 70% of the earth is coverd by water, we dont have weather stations covering all the surfaces of the ocean. lots of missing data there. lots of false data Regg. Iceberg, 1- Si l'étallement urbain est aussi important que tu le supposes autour des stations d'observation, alors les mesures de température aux stations ne représentent pas bien, en moyenne, les températures au sol (ou à 2 mètres). Peux-tu appuyer cette affirmation par une étude de terrein qui la démontrerait, sur une région particulière assez grande (comme le Québec) ? [En passant, cette hypothèse est intéressante pour une autre raison : elle expliquerait peut-être (en partie) pourquoi les passes de 06Z et 18Z des modèles (GFS, NAM) sont moins précises que celles de 12Z et 00Z. En effet, l'étallement urbain affecte surtout les températures au sol (et moins celles en altitude). Or (si ça n'a pas changé) les seules nouvelles données intégrées aux modèles lors des passes 06Z et 18Z sont justement les mesures au sol. (Fin du hors sujet)] 2- En l'absence de plus d'information, il est raisonnable de supposer que les erreurs de mesure de la température dues à la désuétude des appareils sont aléatoires et affectent les mesures autant positivement que négativement. Im not the only one saying it that urban heat is also accounted for in the global warming average temps that are being given out by the WMO.Which in turn is wrong.
  14. So far the WMO has been wrong in there forcast and the proof is here.
  15. Si réchauffement climatique il y a (et je crois bien qu'il a lieu), alors il se superpose (grosso modo) aux cycles naturels. Que la couverture glacière du Groenland augmente actuellement s'inscrit à l'intérieur des cycles naturels et ne prouve rien. Si elle augmente pour les 30 prochaines années, alors on en reparlera. Le Groenland se trouve à un endroit où les précipitations de neige l'hiver sont particulièrement abondantes. Il suffit qu'elles dépassent la fonte l'été pour que la masse de glace augmente. La Terre pourrait très bien se réchauffer et les glaces du Groenland augmenter. Même réflexion pour les glaces du pôle sud. Thats right Wave, more snow which means more sun light deflected out in outer space which in turn means more cold air the atmoshphere will hold.Less melting also will take place.
  16. Another report that greenlands glaciers have slowed down there melting. Again pointing out that its not global warming but rather a cycle.
  17. I dont think you understand Regg whats going on. 1. Most weather stations are on urban territory. lots of black pavement there. 2. Most weather stations are out of date and not working properly. budget cuts. 3. 70% of the earth is coverd by water, we dont have weather stations covering all the surfaces of the ocean. lots of missing data there. lots of false data Regg.
  18. Well i think they could take there report and put it in the garbage pail beacuse 2009 will not be 5th warmest like they predict, and Regg dont be brain washed like lots of people.We shall see at the end of 2009,if temps are above normal i will retire from my weather hobby that im in.
  19. This cold outbreak that will come our way was not seen since 1994 and i do remember that January month it was brutal !!
  20. This is a cycle that we are entering in. A cold cycle like the 1960s and 1970s.We shall see this year what mother nature brings us and if we still get a cool summer and cold temps being broken then we have to ask ourselves where is this global warmimg !!
  21. CANADA ALSO IN A BRUTAL COLD SNAP !!! New Dalton minimum on the way? If you think solar activity controls the climate (as I do), then you must see this graph indicating that a new Dalton minimum is on the way.
  22. Madrid airport closed as Europe freezes  10 Jan 09 - Look at the spin at the end of the article! - Nearly 400 km (250 miles) of traffic jams in and around the Spanish capital. - Several rivers in Germany frozen - Much of Europe enduring Siberian conditions. - Days of heavy snow in France's southern Marseille region -- not seen for 20 years -- causing major disruption to travel. - Germany experiencing one of its coldest winters in 100 years - several rivers frozen over, blocking ship traffic thermometer plunges to minus 34.6C (minus 30.3F) in the mountains in the south. - Drift ice covers 80 to 90 percent of the surface of the river Elbe from Doemnitz to Germany's main port of Hamburg. And now comes the spin: The World Meteorological Organization said Europe's severe cold spell was in part brought on by La Nina, an upsurge of cooler water to the Pacific Ocean surface. "However, it should be recalled that weather conditions are the result of extremely complex interactions, and, therefore, one particular event cannot be attributed to one specific cause," the UN weather agency said. How about attributing it to the ice-age cycle?
  23. Brazil summer temps coldest in 99 years  9 Jan 09 Excerpts Ive been hearing about the dry weather in the south of Brazil. Although I knew the reports were accurate, it was still hard to believe ... So I decided to get a first-hand weather report from Eroni Paniz, our Cropwatcher from Brazils southernmost state Rio Grande do Sul. His report: It was a dry winter! In the spring, we had a strong rain, and after that, in October and November, we got nearly nothing. Its really strange, as it rains torrentially in the middle of the state but on the extremities, nothing. I guess that, between the two, I would pick drought over floods at least with droughts you dont lose everything you own. But, with floods, everything can get washed away. I think that a good portion of the grain crop will decrease in size, mainly the corn and edible beans that were hit hard. According to what Ive heard, we should suffer a loss of around 25 percent. The livestock sector is taking it in the face! The forecast isnt good, with just a few, sparse rains not big enough to get a whole farm wet. Weve had cold weather for this time of year its been 99 years since we have had such cold temperatures during the period of the year, and Im not sure how long its been since weve had such a bad drought. Its really strange; when it should be cold, its hot enough to fry an egg. And vice versa. Theres no explaining it. A PRESSE.... Very strange indeed could it be la nina having an affect in Brazil too ?
  24. Le dernier run GEM REG et GFS 00z remonte la depression beaucoup plus au nord. Elle passe tout just a la frontiere. A surveiller IF THE SYSTEM MOVES A BIT MORE NORTH IT COULD GIVE MONTREAL 2 TO 5 CM.
  25. Mon pauvre Maxime, ça ne se fait pas des moyennes de moyennes - math 101 . Je ne vois pas pourquoi tu ramènes l'histoire des orages ou des ouragans - ce n'est pas le sujet de discussion. Finalement tu relates plein d'évènements ponctuels alors qu'on parle d'un phénomène qui s'étant sur des dizaines et centaines d'années. Et si tu doutes de l'aspect réchauffement, va voir ceci : 2008 S'INSCRIT AU NOMBRE DES DIX ANNÉES LES PLUS CHAUDES de l'OMM . Hello Reg Im not saying that you are wrong but you will have too look at the other side too. Im leaving this link here and tell me what you think.
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